Apple Seed Little School in Lafayette, CA
Address: Lafayette, CA 94549
Phone: (925) 979-9089 Website: Email: [email protected] Contact: Jennifer Gonzales by phone 8am - 5:30pm, M - F or by email anytime. License Number: # 073407350 Facility: Center. 1 Classroom. Ages: 2 years to 5 years old Need to be Potty Trained? No Open All Year Holidays: Apple Seed Little School loosely follows the Lafayette School District Calendar, closing for major holidays. |
Program Times: 8am to 5:30pm
Fees and Tuition: Please phone for current rates.
Enrollment Information
We schedule an initial parent interview after hours (5:30 p.m. or on a weekend). We are happy to schedule a visit during school hours after this initial visit.
We schedule an initial parent interview after hours (5:30 p.m. or on a weekend). We are happy to schedule a visit during school hours after this initial visit.
Special Programs
Teacher to Student Ratio
2-5 yrs: 1 teacher to 4 students
2-5 yrs: 1 teacher to 4 students
Meals Provided By
Breakfast: School
Morning Snack: School
Lunch: School
Afternoon Snack: School
Breakfast: School
Morning Snack: School
Lunch: School
Afternoon Snack: School
Additional Information
For more information about our wonderful home-based preschool, please see our website listed above. Thank you.
For more information about our wonderful home-based preschool, please see our website listed above. Thank you.
Apple Seed Little School is a developmentally rich, play-based preschool utilizing the teaching styles and theories of Piaget, Waldorf; Reggio-Emilia & Montessori among others. Knowing that each child has their own unique learning style is paramount to our preschool. Our teachers are inspired to know each child both as the individual and within the group, providing an enriching experience that creates a love of learning.