Holy Cross Lutheran School in Livermore, CA
Address: 1020 Mocho Street, Livermore CA 94550
Phone: (925) 447-1864 Website: http://www.holycrosslivermore.org Email: [email protected] Contact: Christie King License Number: #010200306 Facility: Center. 5 Classrooms. Capacity: 150 Ages: 2 years to Kindergarten Entry Need to be Potty Trained? No Open Sept-May with Summer School Option Holidays: Follows public school calendar. Program Times
Full Day 3,4 and 5 year olds: 2-5 day option 7am-6pm 2 year olds: T/Th 9-11:30am 3 year olds: T/Th 8:45-11:45am 3 year olds: MWF 8:45-11:45am 4 year olds: MWF 8:45-Noon 4 & 5 year olds - Junior K: M-Th 8:30-Noon |
Registration: $125 (Non-refundable)
Tuition Rates
2 Year olds- $285
3 Year old T/TH - $326
3 Year old M,W,F - $426
4 Year old - $447
Junior K M-TH- $600
Full Day M,W,F $835
Full Day M-F $1165
Tuition Rates
2 Year olds- $285
3 Year old T/TH - $326
3 Year old M,W,F - $426
4 Year old - $447
Junior K M-TH- $600
Full Day M,W,F $835
Full Day M-F $1165
Enrollment Information
Please contact the school for details. Now enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year
Please contact the school for details. Now enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year
Special Programs
"Godly Play" Bible Stories provided. http://www.godlyplay.org
Handwriting without Tears
"Godly Play" Bible Stories provided. http://www.godlyplay.org
Handwriting without Tears
Teacher to Student Ratio
2 yrs: 1 teacher to 5 students
3 yr. old ratio is 1-6 no more than 18 children and 3 adults
4 yr. old ratio is 1-7 no more than 21 children and 3 adults
5 yr. old ratio is 1-7 no more than 21 children and 3 adults
2 yrs: 1 teacher to 5 students
3 yr. old ratio is 1-6 no more than 18 children and 3 adults
4 yr. old ratio is 1-7 no more than 21 children and 3 adults
5 yr. old ratio is 1-7 no more than 21 children and 3 adults
Meals Provided By
Breakfast: NA
Morning Snack: Home*
Lunch: NA
Afternoon Snack: Home*
*Snacks from home. Nut free products only.
Breakfast: NA
Morning Snack: Home*
Lunch: NA
Afternoon Snack: Home*
*Snacks from home. Nut free products only.
Additional Information
150 students currently enrolled. 72 at a time.
150 students currently enrolled. 72 at a time.
Holy Cross Lutheran School serves children 2 years to age 5.9 years in a loving, developmentally/age appropriate environment. We believe that children learn best through active, hands on activities which focus on all areas of development. Our 1/2 day programs are available mornings with individual programs for threes, fours and Junior Kindergarten children. Young ones receive the individual attention one requires in the preschool years