The Child Day Schools in Moraga, CA
Address: 372 Park Street, Moraga CA 94556
Phone: (925) 376-5110 Website: Email: [email protected] Contact: Emil Delgado-Olson, Director, by phone M-F between 8am and 5pm. License Number: #073406850 Facility: Center. 5 Classrooms. Ages: 12 mo. to Pre-K, Jr-K Need to be Potty Trained? No Open All Year Holidays: Standard holidays and teaching training days. Please see website for details. |
Program Times
Toddlers: 7am to 6pm
Full Day: 6:45am to 6:15pm
School Day: 9am to 3pm
Pre School: 9am to 12:30pm
Part Time: Minimum enrollment is three mornings per week.These are official hours. Times may be adjusted somewhat according to family needs and availability.
Toddlers: 7am to 6pm
Full Day: 6:45am to 6:15pm
School Day: 9am to 3pm
Pre School: 9am to 12:30pm
Part Time: Minimum enrollment is three mornings per week.These are official hours. Times may be adjusted somewhat according to family needs and availability.
Fees and Tuition: Please email [email protected] for rate sheet.
Enrollment Information: Please call for current openings.
Special Programs
Our programs are rich with learning; language, pre-reading, pre-math, physical development, and social skills. Children do in-depth explorations of the world around them through our project webs. We have many community and family events at our schools, as well as field trips for older children.
Our programs are rich with learning; language, pre-reading, pre-math, physical development, and social skills. Children do in-depth explorations of the world around them through our project webs. We have many community and family events at our schools, as well as field trips for older children.
Teacher to Student Ratio
12-24 mo: 1 teacher to 4 students
2 yrs: 1 teacher to 6 students
3 yrs: 1 teacher to 6 students
Pre-K: 1 to 8 or 1 to 10
Jr-K: 1 to 8 or 1 to 10
12-24 mo: 1 teacher to 4 students
2 yrs: 1 teacher to 6 students
3 yrs: 1 teacher to 6 students
Pre-K: 1 to 8 or 1 to 10
Jr-K: 1 to 8 or 1 to 10
Meals Provided By
Breakfast: Home
Morning Snack: School
Lunch: Home or School
Afternoon Snack: School
Breakfast: Home
Morning Snack: School
Lunch: Home or School
Afternoon Snack: School
The Child Day Schools - For over forty years TCDS has provided the most current educational programs within a caring and supportive community for children and families. When you visit us you will see teacher child interaction in all our environments, including outdoor play. Our programs are rich with learning- language, pre-reading, pre-math, physical development, and social skills. Children do in-depth explorations of the world around them through our project webs. Our nurturing programs also support children's self esteem, self-reliance, creativity, and compassion for others. Conflict resolution is used in the classroom to guide children in developing the positive social skills they will use all their lives.