Prior to the first day of school:
- See if your child’s preschool offers transitional visits prior to them starting school. These are usually one or two short visits to get familiar with the environment and the teachers
- Get them excited about what they saw in their classroom during their visit. Talk about the different types of activities that they can do when they go back
- Read books about going to school and let your child know that Mommy’s and Daddy’s will always come back to pick them up
- Pack a comfort item (blanket, small stuff animal, a family picture, etc) that will remind them of home if they are sad
- Plan extra time in the morning for your child’s first day so that you are not rushing out the front door
- Be excited while getting ready for school. Remind them of all the fun things they saw during their transitional visits
- While driving to school let them know when you will be back to pick them up. Children 2 to 3 years old do not understand the concept of time, but they do understand the concept of routine. Example, “after you wake up from naptime, I will be back to pick you up”
- Walk them to their classroom and help them find their cubby
- Walk around the classroom and try to engage them in an activity with a child or with a teacher
- Try to make your drop-off short. The longer you stay the harder it is for you to leave
- Before you leave say good-bye to your child even if they are playing. Let them know that you are leaving, but that you will be back after “xyz”
- Have your child’s teacher or director give you a call or send pictures to let you know how their morning went
- Do not sneak out of the classroom to avoid saying good-bye. This will give your child more anxiety during the next drop-off because they will never know when you will be leaving them
- Try not to stay too long and interfere with the classroom’s daily routine
- Do not say good-bye to your child and then come back in the classroom to check on them
Read Jamie's Bio